Nickelodeon via via BuzzFeed
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Our pre-caffeine roundup is a collection of the hottest, strangest, and most amusing stories of the morning.
The White House may have turned down the idea of building a real-life Death Star, but now it's the open-source community's turn. A Kickstarter crowd-funding project calls for $31 million. Guess the funding deadline! Go ahead! Guess! April Fool's Day.
Here's our Surface Pro review: It's clunky, it's chunky but it's Microsoft's best hope.
Suffer from Facebook fatigue A new study says that 61 percent of Facebook users say they've taken such breaks for several weeks or longer in the past.
There was a big White Male Privilege and Tech Writing smack down on Twitter the other day. Check it out.
Also: Your Instagram feed got a website ? finally.
In other news, check out this real million dollar "bionic man" scientists built! He's going on tour!
Pocket-sized drones have been deployed to Afghanistan.
And the Navy's planning binoculars that scan the enemy's face from 600 feet.
The smallest car in the world is painfully tiny but ridiculously cute!
Holy Cats! The 20th anniversary of "The Adventures of Pete & Pete," aka THE GREATEST SHOW EVER!
Compiled by Helen A.S. Popkin, who invites you to join her on Twitter and/or Facebook.
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